Aluminum Bleachers
Please feel free to contact us for pricing or more information on aluminum Tip and Roll or Low Rise bleachers.
"Low Rise" non-elevated bleachers offer a quality bleacher at an affordable price. These bleachers feature a first row seat height under 12", 6" rise per row, 2"x12" wide anodized seats and do not require aisles. The 3 and 4 row systems top seat height is under 30" and do not require guardrail to meet building and safety codes.

3 and 4 row Aluminum Low Rise Aluminum Bleachers
"Tip N' Roll" bleachers tip and roll away for easy storage and are the ideal solution to your auxiliary seating needs. This bleacher is easily tipped up onto its swivel casters for movement and caster brakes keep the bleacher from rolling when stored. All "Tip N' Roll" bleachers include non-marring rubber foot pads to protect wood floors. The aluminum understructure (frame) reduces weight for easier lifting.

4 row "Tip N' Roll" Aluminum Bleachers
"Deluxe" non-elevated aluminum bleacher models include aisle(s) with handrails, anodized seat plank, double (2) mill finish foot planks and riser plank on all rows. Guardrails are included on all systems with 5 rows of seating or more.

5 Row Deluxe Bleachers